Couples Therapy
Until death do us part
You remember the vows like they were yesterday. And you believed in them! What changed?
You still love each other, but there are things you don’t like about each other. At first, overlooking those things seemed like the loving thing to do. It was more important to keep your vows.
Then it started feeling like you were being taken for granted. You spoke up, but the yelling and the screaming were a shock. You had never seen that side of your partner. The angry words. The accusations. Walking on eggshells. After a while, this was normal.
It becomes difficult to care anymore. You stop talking because it will lead to another argument. You begin to stay late at work or hang out with your friends to avoid having to go home.
Now it feels like you don’t even know each other.
Safety First
The initial priority is establishing an environment that promotes talking openly without fear of judgment.
At the outset of couples therapy, tension over the current state of affairs can cause people to speak unkindly to one another. This creates an atmosphere of judgment and blame, which benefits no one.
Two Becoming One
Our work together starts with gathering information about your individual histories. The history of family dynamics in your own upbringing is often a reliable predictor of the way you will tend to engage each other.
We will discuss the issues in your relationship that create a conflict. Often this is when our personal historical interaction style arises and makes it difficult for us to work through the situation.
My role will be as facilitator: explore, observe and draw out. We will focus on increasing effective communication and deepening personal understanding of the other person around the conflicts.
When your relationship deserves priority…
Please call me at (626) 872-4373 for a 15-minute free consultation – or complete the contact form below. Let’s get your relationship back on track – moving forward as one.